An Introduction to my Comic Book Life

I am excited to share this comic book journey with my fellow comic enthusiasts. I have spent the last few years reading many comics. Some might say obsessively...but in a good way. Throughout that time more than a few people have suggested that I should chronicle and share my thoughts. So this first post is going to be a brief history of my introduction into comics and what inspired me on my newest project; the reading of all DC Rebirth Comic titles.

I am a late in life player in the comic book game. That is, I grew up in a small town that did not have a comic book store and I am sad to report the library didn't carry many either. So I didn't really start reading comics until around 2012 at the ripe age of 24. Funny enough I went to my first Comic-Con that year (Denver's first Comic-Con) and fell in love with the culture before I had even cracked my first comic book. Check out this photo of some R2-D2's! How can you not love a club that builds these little guys?  

Now I am sure you are dying to know what comic started this whole journey? The most accurate answer is there are two. Batwoman and Buffy are the ladies who called me into this world of great graphic novels and lovely leading ladies.    

It was slow going before I moved to Denver. It is hard to find a starting point for most characters, I mean some date back to the 1930's! That is intimidating. These two however, had nice clean starting points. Buffy I knew and loved from the show of the same name. I had watched every episode and I was really excited when I found out that the series continued in another visual format. I was pretty dang excited to see where it went. Batwoman was just perfect timing. Her stand alone series started in 2012. One issue and I was hooked. I did later go back and read her introduction in the Detective Comics run and 52 comics where she first appears in her current incarnation. I am nothing if not thorough.

Once I moved to Denver in 2015 I found my comic book home base. Mile High Comics is an impressive warehouse boosting over 10 million comics and when you enter this place you have do not doubt that is true. I will talk more about them in later posts. 

In 2016 I found my comic book people. I joined a Meetup group called Denver's Comic Book Club for Women. The group met once a month to discuss a comic. I am still a member of this group and will talk more about them and the things we have read in later posts.

I hope to keep this blog mostly focused on comics and comic adjacent topics. There is a good chance that I will share reviews on books, movies, tv-shows, and comic-cons. I hope to talk more about my journey, my collection, and what comics mean to me in general. It is also likely I will stray into personal topics, because first and foremost this blog is for me. 

Which leads me into my current goal. Up to this point I have just been reading whatever comic struck my fancy or the Comic Book club decided to read. Starting in 2021 I have committed to reading every DC publication within the rebirth continuity. I will of course still be reading other comics, but I hope to eventually catch up with the DC comics then I might even traverse the gap into Marvel. 😉 

I'll end with one of my favorite Batman Quotes. "Everything's impossible until somebody does it."

Thanks for reading! More coming soon.
