Review: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Spoilers)

I have thought long and hard about how I feel about this movie and I will start by saying that I did like it. I will also add that I did not like the first Doctor Strange, but since so many things had happened since that movie I went into this movie with perhaps too high of expectations. This will have spoilers, because I can't think of a way to write about this movie without spoiling it, so SPOILERS AHEAD.

So as to organize my thoughts I am going to start out with things I didn't like. In my opinion they did Wanda dirty. She went through so much and all she wanted was to have a family with the man she loved. All of the events of Wandavision are a must watch to see this movie. I’ll start by saying I really enjoyed Wandavision but I am not sure it is a smart move to make the T.V. shows must watch or if Disney/Marvel is going to make them a must watch then I think they should work harder at making it make sense. In my opinion Wanda's descent in the movie does not track with the growth from the T.V. series.

My next issue is Sam Raimi, not as a person or even how he directs. I am a fan of the original Spider-Man movie and The Evil Dead movies, but I am not sure what his goal with this movie was. Was it a horror movie? If so, it fell short. There were for sure some scary parts, like Zombie Strange and the brutal deaths of the Illuminati. Was it a hero movie with a hint of an origin story? Again it fell short, America wasn't given near enough character building. Were we rooting for Doctor Strange? Honestly, I wasn't. I kind of wanted Wanda to win. If it weren't for the other Wanda being a good mom and America being the intended victim, I wouldn't have minded Wanda winning. Maybe I am being a bit harsh on Stephen, he was a much more interesting character in this movie than he was in his previous stand alone.

Okay, now for the things that I liked. I loved the Illuminati. What can I say? I am a sucker for a cameo and the promise of both inhumans and mutants in the MCU. I also like to think that we will see Wanda again and with her we will get to know Billy (aka Wicca) and Tommy (aka Speed). I did really enjoy America Chavez as well, I just wanted more. I wanted to know more about where she came from, what she was doing while she was traveling and even how she met other Doctor Strange would have been nice.

I have been accused of being generous when I talk about movies. I think that is because I like movies and it is more fun to enjoy them even if I don't like every part of it. All of that being said, I did like this movie and will likely see it again, if not in theater when it goes to Disney+. I would also recommend that others see it. If you are a fan of the MCU then of course this is a must see. The multiverse is going to open so many doors and I for one cannot wait to see what that means for the MCU.

Now for some arbitrary rating. I give this movie 3.5/5 Darkholds.

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Note: All images belong to Marvel™
