Comic Recap/Thoughts: Green Arrow Volume 2: Island of Scars, Part 3

Hello and welcome to the wrap up of Green Arrow Volume 2: Island of Scars. Sorry this post is a little late. Due to the busy nature of a long weekend, I just wasn't able to get this done, but don't worry now we are going see how Oliver, Dinah, and John get off Scar Island. If you need to read parts 1 and 2 of this set of posts check the links at the bottom of this post.

Murder on the Empire Express, Part One: Brief recap on the Trans-Pacific Railway, but all that matters is, it runs from Shanghai to Seattle. Our team is unloading all the heroin from a container, but they need to hurry up because the train is coming and it wont stop. It does slow down to grab the container, but for added drama Ollie has to grab his bow and John somehow forgets to jump. For a moment both guys are screwed.

Of course, Green Arrow uses an arrow to get on the back of the train. He finds a train car full of car cars. One of the car's trunk is open and full of some chemical. Meanwhile, Canary is crawling along the top of the train, she sees a party happening, so she climbs down to join in. Her narration tells us that John is probably okay as she changes into a more party appropriate dress. We do get to see John make it on board the train. John wanders into a kitchen area, where he bumps into a bartender who knows him. The Bartender, who tells us his name is Eddie Fyers (in a way like we should know who he is), is a mercenary who assumes that John is there to work security. (Dude is really creepy and I do not trust him.)

Canary now dresses for a party almost gets caught immediately, but a kind gentleman by the name of Amin Mustafa comes to her aid. He recognizes her from her time when she was in a band and assumes she is a celebrity ambassador. She roles with it telling him she represents a women's interest group out of Gotham (a fun reference to the Birds of Prey). Green Arrow keeps wandering around until he bumps into a guard that he shoots with a boxing glove arrow. He quickly takes him down and then finds himself in a kitchen full of bodies and a badly hurt John. John tells him there is an assassin on the train.

The party is some kind of peace summit and the gentleman Canary is hanging out with is the guest of honor trying to broker world peace. Creep from the kitchen is in the party now passing out champagne. Amin takes a drink and falls to the ground mouth frothing. Canary quickly realizes the champagne is poison, so she screams shattering all the glasses.

Eddie makes a run for it, but Green Arrow is there to shoot him (this time with a real arrow). Eddie tells Arrow that Amin is dead and so is all chance of peace talks with the Middle East. Green Arrow doesn't take that very well, but all of the chatting is just a distraction. Eddie "Irish goodbyes" by rebooting the system on the train and disappearing. When the lights come back on everyone assumes that Green Arrow and Black Canary are the assassins.

Murder on the Empire Express, Part Two: Murder Incorporated: Amin is dead and Green Arrow and Black Canary have to fight and make a run for it. Eddie has made it to the front of the train where he kills the conductors. The train is stopping and GA and Canary make it to the front as Eddie jumps off the now stopped train.

Looks like Eddie's back up plan it to blow up something up. GA attempts to stop him while Canary is dealing with all the guards. Lucky for Canary, John is feeling better and comes to her aid. GA gets his butt kicked and Eddie shoots his bomb watch at the tunnel (that is under the ocean), then he drives off in one of the cars.

GA recovers in time for more guards to show up and for the bomb to go off cracking the tunnel's roof. John is trying to get the train going as the ocean water starts to pour in. Of course the last car isn't responding and needs to be uncoupled. Canary is on it, she gets it uncoupled but the train starts to jet of without her. Nice that the last train car had a motorcycle on it. She speeds off up the side of the train and GA jumps on as she passes. The roof of the tunnel finally gives and for some reason that means sharks.

At the railway station in Seattle, there are many people awaiting the train's arrival. This includes Broderick (the jerk who stole Oliver's company and is real deep with the Ninth Circle) and a mixer of diplomates and protesters. Eddie comes flying out first, quickly followed by the train going way too fast to stop. It crashes but most people seem to be okay as they come out of the train. Except for Amin, he is still dead. Someone, who looks a lot like Hillary Clinton for some reason, is upset but knows that peace talks need to happen more than ever.

Broderick is about to make an exit, but GA and Black Canary come riding out on a wave announcing that they are back!

Notice the Wayne on the bike?

Thoughts: I do love a title that pays homage to the great Agatha Cristy. Bit of a bummer there was no mystery though. I didn't love these two issues, but I am sure it was just a filler to get everyone back to Seattle. I put in a lot of pictures because I found the art and panel layouts fascinating. Not bad or anything, just different. Bummer that they killed a person from the Middle East, I am finding these Green Arrow comics to be really preachy. Not that the points aren't valid, just not sure the delivery is for me. I am 100% still on board for the Oliver and Dinah relationship and I hope that John Diggle sticks around too.

I do not have a favorite quote from this volume but the conversation that Oliver and Dinah have about all the ways she would kill him is pretty funny and I am just dark enough to enjoy that kind of thing.

The covers in this volume might be the most varied in style, while all somehow showing the same things (Green Arrow shooting arrows). I do have a favorite though, because I am a romantic. The late Neal Adams did this cover and click his name if you want to check out more of his awesome stuff, his family is still running his Instagram and with 80 years to draw from there is a lot to look at.

Last Week: Green Arrow Volume 2: Island of Scars, Part 1

Green Arrow Volume 2: Island of Scars, Part 2

Next Week: Harley Quinn: Joker Loves Harley, Part 1

Note: All images belong to DC™
