The Batman: A Non-Spoiler Review

We interrupt this regularly scheduled comic recap blog with my thoughts and feelings about the new Batman movie, The Batman. I am going to keep this as spoiler free as possible, but I do apologize in advance if I reveal anything that spoils the movie.

I think it might be clear from my prior posts that I am a huge Batman fan. While I might be a little late to the comic book scene I can say that most of my background is related to Batman and the Bat-Family. Does that make me an expert? No. Does it likely make me biased? Yes. All of that out of the way, I did enjoy this film. From the casting to the story, it did not disappoint me in any way. I do however have a few critiques.

It is too long. Look, I love a long movie. I watched the Snyder cut of the Justice League in one sitting, but the pacing makes this movie feel too long. Some things could have been cut and it still would have been a great movie with a complete and compelling story.

Not a lot of humor. I am not looking for Marvel style humor, but there was something missing. Batman is funny and they just can't seem to get that in the movies. He knows when to add levity to a situation. Alfred is even better at it. If I am honest, they wasted Alfred in this movie and that is unfortunate. I will say there are some great moments that are funny, so maybe it comes down to balance. Just a little more wit, would have been appreciated. 

Something I liked. This is a detective story. Batman isn't an action hero. He can be, don't get me wrong, but the thing that makes him impressive is how smart he is. To that point this movie also shows just how human he can be. This story showed Batman and Jim Gordon in top form, working on solving mysteries and foiling corruption. 

I think some of the name changes felt odd and that they seemed to be combining a few storylines, while not really committing to them felt weird too. However, no live action movie I have seen follows the comic exactly and that is a silly thing to get too hung up on.

Quick note on the casting. I am a fan of Robert Pattinson. I was a little nervous to see him in the role of Batman but he did not disappoint. I think he made a great young Bruce Wayne in the same way that I thought Ben Affleck made a great older Bruce. Zoe Kravits might be my favorite Catwoman to date, no shade to Halle Barry or Michelle Pfeiffer.

On that note, I am team Batman and Catwoman. They are an OTP for me. I thought the chemistry between them was great and I want more of it! I have always considered Catwoman part of the Bat-Family and this movie opens the door not just for more Batman movies, but the chance to explore all the people he has affected and inspired.

Overall, if you are a fan of Batman I do think you will like this movie. If you are a fan of DC in general, I hope that you'll give this movie a chance in the hopes that more movies will be made. I want to say so many more things, but I am trying to no spoil. So if you want to chat about this movie, I look forward to chatting about it! 

If I have to give this some kind of arbitrary rating, this movie gets 4.5 out of 5 bats from me.
